DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.10.017
Clinical features of bacterial liver abscess in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 in Changchun, China
目的 分析长春新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠)疫情发生期间细菌性肝脓肿患者的临床特征及流行病学特点。 方法 回顾性筛选2022年3月1日—6月30日吉林大学第一医院出院的37 411例患者,最终纳入135例细菌性肝脓肿患者,收集临床资料并总结其临床特点,同时与2019—2021年同期的细菌性肝脓肿患者的发病情况及致病菌群进行比较分析。计量资料多组间比较采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验,计数资料多组间比较应用χ2检验。 结果 细菌性肝脓肿患者占同期本院收治患者的0.36%,较往年有不同程度增长(χ2=32.081,P<0.001)。135例细菌性肝脓肿患者的平均住院时间为11(6~18) d,住院时间较往年延长(H=9.223,P=0.026)。细菌性肝脓肿患者的白细胞计数、C反应蛋白水平较往年升高(H值分别为14.150、8.736,P值分别为0.003、0.033)。有69例(51.11%)患者行血培养,培养结果依次如下:无菌生长(59.42%),肺炎克雷伯菌(30.43%),大肠埃希菌(4.35%),脆弱拟杆菌(1.45%),屎肠球菌(1.45%),表皮葡萄球菌(1.45%),产酸克雷伯菌(1.45%)。有90例(66.67%)患者行脓液培养,培养结果如下:肺炎克雷伯菌(72.22%),无菌生长(14.44%),大肠埃希菌(4.44%),屎肠球菌(2.22%),铜绿假单胞菌(2.22%),鲍曼不动杆菌(1.11%),产气克雷伯菌(1.11%),产酸克雷伯菌(1.11%),铅黄肠球菌(1.11%)。127例(94.07%)患者经抗感染及超声引导下脓肿穿刺引流治疗后,病情好转至痊愈,3例(2.22%)患者在住院期间死亡。 结论 长春新冠疫情期间,本院肝脓肿患者较往年同期增加,住院时间延长,白细胞计数、C反应蛋白水平较往年升高,主要致病菌是肺炎克雷伯菌,大部分患者经治疗后好转。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical and epidemiological features of patients with bacterial liver abscess during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Changchun, China. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for 37 411 patients who were discharged from The First Hospital of Jilin University from March 1 to June 30 in 2022, and finally 135 patients with bacterial liver abscess were included for analysis. Related clinical data were collected to summarize their clinical features, and these patients were compared with the patients with bacterial liver abscess in 2019-2021 in terms of disease onset and pathogen. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for comparison of continuous data between multiple groups, and the chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between multiple groups. Results The patients with bacterial liver abscess accounted for 0.36% of the patients admitted to our hospital during the same period of time, which showed varying degrees of increase compared with the previous years (χ2=32.081, P<0.001). The 135 patients with bacterial liver abscess had a mean hospital stay of 11 (6-18) days, which was longer than that in the previous years (H=9.223, P=0.026). The patients with bacterial liver abscess had higher levels of white blood cell count and C-reactive protein (CRP) than the previous years (H=14.150 and 8.736, P=0.003 and 0.033). Among the 135 patients, 69 (51.11%) received blood culture, and the results showed sterile growth (59.42%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (30.43%), Escherichia coli (4.35%), Bacteroides fragilis (1.45%), Enterococcus faecium (1.45%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (1.45%), and Klebsiella oxytoca (1.45%). Among the 135 patients, 90 (66.67%) received pus culture, and the results showed Klebsiella pneumoniae (72.22%), sterile growth (14.44%), Escherichia coli (4.44%), Enterococcus faecium (2.22%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2.22%), Acinetobacter baumannii (1.11%), Klebsiella aerogenes (1.11%), Klebsiella oxytoca (1.11%), and Enterococcus casseliflavus (1.11%). Of all 135 patients, 127 (94.07%) were improved and cured after anti-infective therapy and ultrasound-guided abscess puncture and drainage, and 3 patients (2.22%) died during hospitalization. Conclusion During the outbreak of COVID-19 in Changchun, there are increases in the number of patients with liver abscess in our hospital, the length of hospital stay, and the levels of white blood cell count and CRP, with Klebsiella pneumoniae as the main pathogen, and most patients are improved after treatment. -
Key words:
- Liver Abscess /
- Klebsiella Pneumoniae /
- COVID-19 /
- Signs and Symptoms
表 1 本院 2019—2022年每年3—6月肝脓肿患者人数及其占比变化
Table 1. Number and proportion of patients with bacterial liver abscess from March to June every year from 2019 to 2022
时间 出院患者总例数 肝脓肿患者例数 本院肝脓肿占比 本科室出院例数 本科室肝脓肿例数 本科室肝脓肿占比 2022年3月1日—6月30日 37 411 135 135/37 411(0.36%) 601 39 39/601(6.49%) 2021年3月1日—6月30日 82 362 175 175/82 362(0.21%) 1 397 30 30/1 397(2.15%) 2020年3月1日—6月30日 37 734 103 103/37 734(0.27%) 919 13 13/919(1.41%) 2019年3月1日—6月30日 83 320 168 168/83 320(0.20%) 1 649 15 15/1 649(0.91%) 注:本科室指感染病与病原生物学中心肝病科。 表 2 2019—2022年每年3—6月肝脓肿患者临床特点
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients with bacterial liver abscess from March to June every year from 2019 to 2022
指标 2022年3月1日—6月30日 2021年3月1日—6月30日 2020年3月1日—6月30日 2019年3月1日—6月30日 统计值 P值 肝脓肿患者占比 0.36% 0.21% 0.27% 0.20% χ2=32.081 <0.001 性别[例(%)] χ2=1.281 0.734 男 81/135(60.00) 113/175(64.57) 65/103(63.11) 111/168(66.07) 女 54/135(40.00) 62/175(35.43) 38/103(36.89) 57/168(33.93) 年龄(岁) 60.00 (49.00~70.00) (n=135) 60.00(52.00~67.00)(n=175) 59.00 (50.00~68.00)(n=103) 59.00 (50.00~67.75)(n=168) H=0.456 0.928 基础疾病[例(%)] 糖尿病 63/135(46.67) 81/175(46.29) 44/103(42.72) 86/168(51.19) χ2=1.977 0.577 胆道系统疾病及手术 52/135(38.52) 85/175(48.57) 34/103(33.01) 68/168(40.48) χ2=7.217 0.065 高血压 45/135(33.33) 58/175(33.14) 20/103(19.42) 43/168(25.60) χ2=8.250 0.041 脑血管疾病 28/135(20.74 ) 30/175(17.14) 9/103(8.74) 24/168(14.29) χ2=6.906 0.075 冠心病 16/135(11.85) 18/175(10.29) 6/103(5.83) 14/168(8.33) χ2=2.906 0.406 临床表现[例(%)] 发热 117/135(86.67) 149/175(85.14) 84/103(81.55) 156/168(92.86) χ2=8.390 0.039 腹痛 44/135(32.59) 77/175(44.00) 38/103(36.89) 56/168(33.33) χ2=5.773 0.123 住院时间(d) 11(6~18)(n=135) 9(5~16)(n=175) 7(4~14)(n=103) 10(5~15)(n=168) H=9.223 0.026 白细胞计数(×109/L) 12.78 (9.52~17.25)(n=135) 10.98 (8.29~15.05)(n=174) 11.15 (8.47~15.53) (n=102) 10.40 (7.61~14.04)(n=168) H=14.150 0.003 中性粒细胞百分比(%) 0.85(0.78~0.91) (n=135) 0.84(0.77~0.90)(n=174) 0.82(0.75~0.89)(n=102) 0.84(0.78~0.89)(n=168) H=3.686 0.297 C反应蛋白(mg/L) 213.16(142.68~272.68)(n=111) 188.77 (113.55~260.52) (n=137) 200.23 (154.46~274.50) (n=57) 162.84 (111.00~240.10)(n=111) H=8.736 0.033 降钙素原(ng/mL) 6.97 (1.15~39.49)(n=103) 3.25 (0.53~30.81)(n=130) 2.46 (0.48~13.53)(n=52) 6.35 (0.67~51.37)(n=99) H=4.469 0.215 血培养(例) 69 102 46 99 无菌生长[例(%)] 41/69(59.42) 70/102(68.63) 31/46(67.39) 66/99(66.67) χ2=1.696 0.638 肺炎克雷伯菌[例(%)] 21/69(30.43) 24/102(23.53) 13/46(28.26) 29/99(29.29) χ2=1.277 0.735 大肠埃希菌[例(%)] 3/69(4.35) 2/102(1.96) 1/46(2.17) 1/99(1.01) χ2=2.178 0.540 其他细菌[例(%)] 4/69(5.80) 6/102(5.88) 1/46(2.17) 3/99(3.03) χ2=1.674 0.663 脓液培养(例) 90 144 61 116 无菌生长[例(%)] 13/90(14.44) 13/144(9.03) 11/61(18.03) 17/116(14.66) χ2=3.781 0.286 肺炎克雷伯菌[例(%)] 65/90(72.22) 100/144(69.44) 39/61(63.93) 75/116(64.66) χ2=1.929 0.587 大肠埃希菌[例(%)] 4/90(4.44) 11/144(7.64) 2/61(3.28) 9/116(7.76) χ2=2.073 0.553 其他细菌[例(%)] 8/90(8.89) 20/144(13.89) 9/61(14.75) 15/116(12.93) χ2=1.605 0.658 脓肿位置[例(%)] 左叶 22/130(16.92) 36/168(21.43) 16/98(16.33) 33/166(19.88) χ2=1.544 0.672 右叶 76/130(58.46) 81/168(48.21) 60/98(61.22) 96/166(57.83) χ2=5.735 0.125 其他 32/130(24.62) 51/168(30.36) 22/98(22.45) 37/166(22.29) χ2=3.526 0.317 脓肿数目[例(%)] χ2=4.462 0.216 单发 86/130(66.15) 112/168(66.67) 75/98(76.53) 121/166(72.89) 多发 44/130(33.85) 56/168(33.33) 23/98(23.47) 45/166(27.11) 注:部分指标的观察例数有缺失,原因为部分患者住院期间未能完善相关检查。 -
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