Objective To summarize the complications of subclavian catheterization in severe hepatitis patients and to investigate clinical safety and treatment. Methods Five hundred and six cases of severe hepatitis, who underwent subclavian catheterization before non- bioartificial liver operation like double plasma molecular adsorption system, were enrolled. Intraoperative and postoperative adverse reactions were under close observation and recording. Results Of all patients, 492 (97. 2%) were punctured and catheterized successfully, and 38 (7.5%) developed complications, including local hematoma and bleeding at puncture sites (15 cases) , catheter infection (13 cases) , and catheterization into the subclavian artery (10 cases) . Conclusion Subclavian catheterization has a high success rate, and is sufficient to meet the need of clinical rescue and treatment. Most complications would not interfere with treatment outcome after proper disposal. Subclavian catheterization can be safely applied to severe hepatitis patients with coagulation disturbance.
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