The study of A561C polymorpnisms of E-selectin in the chronic hepatitis B
摘要: 为明确E-选择素(E-selectin)A561C基因多态性与慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)的关系,采用PCR-RFLP技术对91名慢性乙型肝炎患者进行检测。结果显示E-selectin A561C基因存在AA、AC和CC三型,且与慢性乙型肝炎相关(P<0.05),AC+CC基因型的患病风险是AA型的2.89倍,其血清sE-selectin水平显著高于AA型(P<0.01),但肝功能指标差异不显著(P>0.05)。提示E-selectin A561C多态性与慢性乙型肝炎的感染有关,C等位基因可能是慢性乙型肝炎发病的易感因素之一。该位点多态性可影响血清E-selectin水平,但对肝功能损伤不起直接的作用。Abstract: To study the correlation of E-selectin A561C polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis B, E-selectin A561C polymorphisms were detected by PCR-RFLP in 91 (CHB) patients.Three genotypes (AA, AC and CC) were found which were an association with chronic hepatitis B (P<0.05) .The relative risk of suffering from chronic hepatitis B of genotype AC+CC was 2.89 times of the AA genptypes.Meanwhile serum sE-selectin level was sighificant higher than that of AA caniers markedly (P<0.01) .However the markers of liver injury didn't show significant difference (P>0.05) .Therefore there is an association between E-selectin A561C polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis B infection.Allele C may be one of predisposing factors chronic hepatitis B, its polymorphism has an effect on serum E-selectin level, but not on liver injury directly.
Key words:
- chronic hepatitis B /
- E-selectin /
- gene polymorphisms
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