The clinical study of hepatocirrhosis therapy by using of Fu Fang Bie Jia Ruan Gan Pian.
摘要: 观察复方鳖甲软肝片抗纤维化的临床疗效及对代偿性肝硬化逆转的可能性。治疗组50例,复方鳖甲软肝片,口服,每日三次,每次4片;对照组30例,大黄庶虫虫丸,口服,每日三次,每次6克;疗程均为6个月。治疗前后检测肝肾功能、肝纤维化指标、血常规、B超、部分患者肝活检。复方鳖甲软肝片能明显降低HA、LN、PⅢP、PⅣP,降低ALT、AST、总胆红素,升高白蛋白、A/G比例,能明显升高WBC、RBC、PLT,且对乏力、肝区疼痛、脾肿大等症状体征有明显的改善作用。肝活检光镜下有明显改善肝纤维化作用,电镜下可见肝星状细胞减少、细胞器不活跃,周围纤维沉积明显减少。复方鳖甲软肝片具有明显的抗纤维化作用,并可使代偿性肝硬化在一定程度上逆转。Abstract: To analysis the probability of forepart hepatocirrhosis reversion by anti-fibrosis therapy.50 patients with hepatofibrosis or forepart hepatocirrhosis were treated by Fu Fang Bie Jia Ruan Gan Pian orally for 6 months.We measured liver and kidney function, blood routine, liver fibrosis marks, ultrasound and liver biopsy before and after treatment.All patients fulfill 6 months of treatment.The serum albumin, the scale of albumin/globulin, blood platelet all increase evidently.6 patients had the pair liver biopsy.The degree of inflammation and fibrosis decreased in 2/6 and 3/6 respectively.The anti-fibrosis treatment may reverse the forepart of hepatocirrhosis.
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