Clinico-pathological significance of intratumoral microvessel density and estrogen receptor expression in hepatocellular carcinoma
摘要: 研究肝细胞肝癌(Hepatocellu lar Carc inom a,HCC)微血管密度(M icrovessel Density,MVD)与雌激素受体(Estrogen Receptor,ER)表达之间的关系,以及此二者与临床病理学特征之间的关系。36例HCC的患者分为ER(+)组和ER(-)组。按MVD值分为MVD<中位值组和MVD>中位值组,比较各组有预后意义的临床病理学参数之间的差别。ER(+)14例,ER(-)22例。全组MVD自3至121(44.67±32.15中位值为36)。ER(+)的HCC为直径较小、多有完整的包膜和较低的血清AFP浓度。MVD较低的HCC多为单结节、直径较小、细胞分化较好、血清AFP浓度较低。ER含量与MVD呈负相关。由此可见:(1)ER(+)或MVD较低的HCC分别比ER(-)或MVD较高的HCC恶性度较低。(2)ER与MVD均是有价值的预后指标。Abstract: To explore the relationship between intra tumoral microvessel density and estrogen receptor expression in hepatocellular carcinoma, and their relationship with the prognostic factors.36 patients with HCC were disparted into two groups: ER negative group and ER positive group.According to MVD value, they were disparted into MVD
median group, and the established prognostic factors were compared.There were 14 ER (+) and 22 ER (-) cases, MVD value ranged from 3 to 121 (44.67±32.15 median=36) .Significant associations were found between ER status and tumor size, encapsulation and serum AFP concentration.Significant associations were found between MVD and the number of nodules, tumor size, Edmonson-Steiner class and serum AFP concentration.Inverse association was found between ER status and MVD.This shows: (1) ER positive or lower MVD in HCC has lesser malignant biological behavior than ER negative or higher MVD in HCC respectively. (2) Both ER status and MVD are good prognostic factors. -
Key words:
- hepatocellular carcinoma /
- microvessel density /
- estrogen receptor
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