An experimental study of Chinese traditional mineral medicine Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid to inhibit liver cancer
摘要: 制备一种能够替代无水乙醇的,毒性低、弥散性好、可使肿瘤坏死更完全的中药提取液。制备硇砂提取液,用于大鼠肝癌细胞系CBRH-7919和体内肝癌大鼠模型的实验性治疗。硇砂提取液有较好的体外杀伤癌细胞和体内抑瘤作用。体外条件下与无水乙醇比较,作用优于或相当于前者,并且表现出明显的药物量-效关系;体内实验表明:该提取液局部注射可使肿瘤体积显著缩小,甚至坏死,组间对照有显著性差异。初步毒性试验提示该提取液毒性较小,与无水乙醇相近,但局部刺激等毒副作用较小。该中药提取液整体抑制肿瘤效果优于后者,且弥散性好、作用相对彻底,有可能替代无水乙醇用于肝癌等恶性实体瘤的局部治疗。Abstract: To prepare a kind of Chinese traditional medicine extract liquid to substitute for absolute alcohol with low toxicity, good dissemination and led tumor necrosis more complete.Prepare Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid;in vitro we adopted CBRH-7919 liver cancer cell strain to conduct the cancer cell killing effect;in vivo rats loaded with CBRH-7919 cancer cell strain were used to appraise the anti-cancer effect by means of intra-tumor injection.Our experiment showed the Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid showed relative better cancer cell killing effect in vitro and cancer inhibiting effect in vivo.In vitro experiment the Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid showed the same or even better anti-cancer effect comparing with absolute alcohol and also it showed significant dose-effect relationship;In vivo experiment showed the Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid notably decreased the volume of the tumor, even led necrosis by intra-tumor injection, there was significant difference between experiment group and control group.The preliminary toxic experiment showed the extract has relative lower toxicity, similar to absolute alcohol, and relative lower side effects such as local stimulation etc.Conclusions: The Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid showed better tumor inhibiting effect in whole, better dissemination and more complete effect than absolute alcohol, so it is possible to be used as a topical remedy for liver cancer and other malignant solid tumors.
Key words:
- Sal-Ammoniae extract liquid /
- liver cancer /
- local injection
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