Expert consensus on liver transplantation perioperative evaluation and rehabilitation for acute-on-chronic liver failure
摘要: 尽管肝移植能治愈慢加急性肝衰竭(ACLF),但ACLF患者在肝移植围手术期面临多器官系统衰竭和术后并发症风险高等问题,严重影响移植疗效。近年来,急危重症、肝病和外科领域的早期康复使得患者器官储备功能和手术耐受能力显著提升,术后生存质量也得到了显著改善,这些理念也在ACLF肝移植围手术期得到很好的实践。为此,在中国医师协会器官移植医师分会移植免疫学专业委员会、中国康复医学会器官移植康复专业委员会和广东省医师协会器官移植医师分会的共同倡导下,通过文献证据总结,结合临床最佳实践,对肝移植围手术期综合康复措施进行了广泛探讨,在心肺和躯体康复的评估、干预以及其实施安全性达成了一定共识,为肝脏内科、移植科和重症医学科临床医师提供有价值的参考。Abstract: Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) can be cured by liver transplantation; however, perioperative complications still affect posttransplant outcomes. In recent years, early rehabilitation for critical illness, liver disease, and surgery have significantly improved organ reserve function, surgery tolerance, and postoperative quality of life. They could also be applied in the perioperative period of liver transplantation in patients with ACLF. Therefore, the Transplantation Immunology Committee of Branch of Organ Transplantation Physician of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the Organ Transplant Rehabilitation Committee of China Association Rehabilitation Medicine, and the Branch of Organ Transplantation Physician of Guangdong Medical Doctor Association conducted a comprehensive review of rehabilitation in end-stage liver disease, critical illness and surgical patients by summarizing current evidence and best clinical practices and proposed a practice consensus on evaluation of cardiopulmonary and physical function, rehabilitation or physiotherapies, as well as the safety concerns in perioperative liver transplant recipients. It will be a valuable resource for hepatologists, transplant surgeons, and intensivists as they care for ACLF patients during transplantation.
表 1 证据等级和推荐标准
Table 1. Level of evidence and recommended grades
GRADE 证据等级 高 A 我们非常确信真实效应与估计效应一致 中 B 我们对估计效应的确信程度一般:真实效应应该与估计效应一致,但两者仍可能大不相同 低 C 我们对估计效应的确信程度较低:真实效应可能与估计效应大不相同 极低 D 我们对估计效应的确信程度极低:真实效应很可能与估计效应相去甚远 GRADE 推荐标准 强推荐 1 支持或反对某项干预措施的强烈推荐,利大于弊 弱推荐 2 支持或反对某项干预措施的一般性推荐,利弊不确定 最佳实践声明 BPS1) 无法采用GRADE分级,但仍强烈推荐 注:1)BPS为最佳实践声明。 -
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